Sun Of History
Sun Of History- شمس التاريخ
Humanity went for its development way for ages and ages. Even for thousand of years, till it reached the resent form, from advancement, luxury and civilization, but we can not deny the prints of the leading civilization, which laid the first steps and features of this civilization, it pushed humanity to the road of development and nourishment.
The Egyptian civilization is regarded as the mother civilization in the history of humanity; the Pharaohs are the ones who opened the doors of history, so that the sun of knowledge, art, innovation may shine for the coming generations and civilizations. Wonder upon the glorious face of Egypt and its marvelous unique civilization.
After the ancient Egyptian civilization lived for thousands years, and reached the top of its development and nourishment, the sun of this civilization vanished from Egypt due to the series of foreign invasions upon Egypt, while an other civilizations shined in other places to continue the course of humanity
Side by side with the fading of the Egyptian civilization, the Hieroglyphic language disappeared, by time, and the following generations failed to explain what the Egyptian monument meant. They depended in their knowledge on the words of the historians who visited Egypt and wrote on it lead by (Herodot), who was right in some of what he wrote and was mistaken on many other things.
The Egyptian history which the world know is deliberately deformed, uncompleted in many times, they read it written in a foreign pen which did not lived in this civilization. They have not listened to the Egyptian civilization while it was talking about it self.
The other reason behind this darkness is due to the vicious hands that deformed this history. Whether individuals or rulers or invaders, many times the thieves tread to stele the wealth of the Pharaohs tombs in the ancient history and modern ones.
When the tomb of “Tout Ankhamoun” was discovered with all its marvelous wealth, the whole world talked about it for its hugeness and beauty, the scientists and researchers assured, that if the wealth was belong to this little king , what about the wealth in the tombs of the huge strong Pharaohs, like Ramsis the Second, Tohoutmos and Akhnaton. And others. A lot of tombs where discovered to be actually stolen and destroyed.
This is beside, what the Pharaohs kings of Egypt destroyed by their hands for the previous monuments to their age- for political reasons- which was the badly habit to them.
History can remember many incidents indicating this fact, when Tohoutmos the Third, took the thorn of Egypt after the realm of Queen Hatshebsuit, he ordered to ruin her imprints, and abolish her name, specially her statue in which she was wearing men’s wear with bear and Pharaohs Crown.
In another incident, the Pharaohs was ordered to destroy the imprints of King “Akhnaton” after his death. (Akhnaton) was the one who called for a religious revolution, and believed in one God “Atone” with the sun symbol, he also held a new capital for Egypt, which made the public and religious people rebel against him, and destroyed his city “Akhtatoun”, till its remnants discovered in Tel El Amrna.

The great king “Rams Second” was known as “the master of builders”, he founded many huge statues, religious castles, which was known to be the most huge in the Egyptian Art. He was fond of steeling the monuments of the previous kings to him and then erasing their names, and putting his name instead, all this beside what the invaders have done from demolishing and ruining, whether intently or to use the stones of these monuments to build new buildings to be
The French troops to Egypt was behind the resolving of the darkness of the Egyptian history, education mended what days ruined, when one of the troop’s solder found a Pharaonic stone written in three languages, one of them was Hieroglyphic, where as Champion- who was fond by the Egyptian history- succeeded in reading the letters of the hieroglyphic, there we got a readable language which opened the page of the Egyptian history again.
There all the symbols in Hieroglyphic language on the walls of the tombs, castles and statues. the ancient Egyptian civilization was nourished again, the statues and panels, where not just primitive drawings anymore, but deep innovative thought, the whole world read the ancient Egyptian literature, and was so amazed for its quality, and they know more about the arts, life and thought of this civilization.

As time passes, and many monumental discoveries, more details were acknowledged, and laid under study and serious surveying specialized in studying this civilization and its monuments – in most of the world’s countries- known as (Egyptology).
The Egyptian wisdom was obvious. They were the greatest architectures and builders; their glorious monument is a witness to this fact as the pyramid that is considered one of the world’s seven wonders .they called for eternity and believed that god is one, the first who searched for mines in history, they show amazing skills in jewelry and ornaments with their simple tools, they knew the weaving and cloth manufacturing and even more they exported it, Europe stayed till the last century using very similar methods to which the ancient Egyptians used to apply.
They build marine fleets that was not known to the world before, they were clever in battles arts and setting military plans, they were of the best sculptures, they tamed the most strong stones and made from it some rare master pieces, with no similar in history, they knew mathematics, horoscopes, science and body perseverance – they were clever also in chemistry too, they composed number of equations and metals. They were first who invented the musical instruments, besides dancing art and literature, first who used symbols, pun in their writings.
Frankly, it is very difficult to know all what they initiated in the history , all what is written in history books and what scientists reached is just a slight features for this mother civilization, it is impossible to mention the civilization of three thousand years in some papers, every piece needs books and books to describe it.
As every thing is mortal, humans, time and civilization, the only lasting element as a witness is the arts and innovations of this era, this will be our lead to this simple knowledge as the ancient Egyptian wise man said
” Generations went to where we do not know, no one returns to us to tell about what happened their, their castles and monuments were demolished, nothing left except the sayings of wise men and what books recorded”
This is beside, the artist’s innovation, finally, we should know that the Egyptian ancient art was not just a primitive naive art, as some tried to depict, it did not reached perfection. As some thinker mentioned ” There is no art that reached perfection, but it will always yarn for it” This is applied to all arts in all ages.