Client: DHCC
Year: 2008
Location: Giza, Egypt
Plot Area: 35,000.0 m2
Status: Constructed
A: The First Campus : 35,000.0 m2 (24.72 %)
1- Main Hospital Building 200 beds
2- Children and Women Hospital Building 100 beds
3- Cancer Center and Research 50 beds
4- Transplantation Center 50 beds
5- Medical office Building
6- These are interconnected Buildings and has access to each other
B: The Second Campus : 16,600.0 m2 (11.72%)
7- Orthopedic , Sport medicine, Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation and speech Therapy
C: The Third Campus : 15,300.0 m2 (10.80%)
8- Medical Academy include the Nursing School, Medical technology School , Physical therapy School
D: The Fourth Campus : 20,000.0 m2 (14.13%)
9- Hotel with all amenities include Medical shopping Mall, Bank, Restaurant, conference rooms
E: The Fifth Campus : 15,000.0 m2 (10.60%)
11- Nursing Home for Short term recovery
12- Psychiatry Hospital 50 beds
F: Services : 10,000.0 m2 (7.06%)
13- Workers residential area
14- Mechanical & services
Roads & Public Spaces : 29,640.0 m2 (20.95%