



By: Ashraf Abdel Mohsen


I can almost hear the Creator of the universe calling his creations:

You are blind to the truth of your life, because you choose not to seek the truth, which is based on peace and beauty.  You would rather choose to live in ignorance and have chosen a life that is transformed into chaos,. based on hatred, greed, lust and selfishness. He calls you to look for the truth, to find the beauty, magic and mystery of life;

No insincerity or dishonesty and no fear or humiliation. Humans were not created for depravity and immorality. On the contrary, humans were created to be ethical and moral; to be loyal, honest, full of pride and dignity, to be safe, sincere and strong. Your strength lies in your support of the poor and needy, in your patience and anticipation of failures, your rejection of all corruption and evil.

You have been created with qualities of spirituality and sensitivity, so that you can feel nature’s beauty and understand its depth and diversity to guide you through this life. Yet these are invisible to you, as you choose not to see them.

You are the most favoured of all God’s creations. He has always been there for you, to protect you, even from yourself, to listen to you and try to guide you. Do not block your own path, but open your heart so you can be open to spiritual insight. He has faith in you, so you too must have faith in your Almighty creator.

Lift up your eyes to the sky and your inner soul. Be a survivor, diligent, and active. Praise and fulfill your soul with spirit and belief. Observe the skies, the evolution of the stars, planets, galaxies, etc.  All move freely without borders, breathe, worship and praise in love God’s gift of life, his manifestation of heaven on earth.

Keep on sailing through the depth of the sky, discover the magnificence of this beautiful world, the power of the Almighty God who created it and the mystery behind its endless, eternal evolution. See the rainbow of colours in heaven. They change as the angels praise with pleasure and joy, confident and at peace in their faith and glory. Dear Friend, this world has been created for you and you are a part of the universe and, every creature in it, is also a part of you.  It is there for you to see, to explore in order to discover its Creator. Open your heart, your soul and find insight. With sincerity, you can find the splendor and majesty, the sweet mercy, justice, the grace, the love, etc…so much more than you have been looking for.

Dear friend, try to rise above the material and physical world around you and unearth the spiritual world. Open your senses, trust and have faith. Grow and strengthen your inner spirit and you will find the perfection of the Creator’s manifestation reflected in everything around you, no matter how small it may seem to you. Even the smallest things reveal the endless, infinite, eternal world.

Feel the tree, standing tall, still and proud. The tree shows us a whole complete world, a universe with its growth, breathing, feeding and survival. It is created for you to find amazement and knowledge of creation and the Creator, to open your eyes, to feed you, to give you a message to find your way through the spirit of nature.

Move with a drop of water, a life sustaining liquid from the great Creator. It is found all over the world. That transparent drop is an essential element of life, which all life needs on a daily basis…Why and How? It is for you, in order to eat and grow… in order to realize its benefits and the magic of its creator.

Look at your body, at yourself, your soul… a dynamic and vital combination of a precise chemistry and scientific processes. How are you born? How do you grow? How you use all your senses; talk, see, hear, eat, think, cry, laugh, decide, and work, etc…how many other functions are you able to perform that your mind is unable to recognize, understand or comprehend in its perfect wisdom. It is life with both its difficult and peaceful times, its good and evil… such a balance of contrasts that maintains the balance of creation within its perfection.

Touch your heart, the key component of life and emotions, how to love and hate… how to live and die… it’s your heart, which has been created for love “the greatest gift from God” and your most important responsibility is to use it to give love everywhere. Have you ever seen this? Perhaps not…Therefore, just love everyone, love everything around you. An infinite love is present within your heart, which, although it seems small, is huge with that which it holds.


Nevertheless, the more you live with love in your heart, the more you will be drawn towards the creator of this universe…appreciating the gift of life with all its challenges and gifts. Thoughtfully, try to be insightful of all of the miracles from God, the manifestation of the great Ceator’s will.


Cover image created by Sief Ashraf 

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